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Contact DreamGroup Weddings + Events

604.537.3575 |


  • WEDDING & EVENT INQUIRIES: If you are inquiring about wedding or event planning services please take a moment to complete our inquiry form below, email us here, or give us a call at 604.537.3575. We can’t wait to meet with you and learn all about the wonderful ideas and plans you have been dreaming of.  In the meantime, be sure to follow us @dreamgroupplanners for insight, tips, and inspiration and visit the Blog which includes lots of helpful articles and featured weddings including our infamous Venue List and Budget Breakdown. Chat soon!


  • VENDORS: We love learning about the latest and greatest products and services our city has to offer!  If you would like to introduce yourself to us please complete the following Vendor Introduction form.  Please do not use the Inquiry form below to introduce your services.


  • CAREERS + VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: We hire part-time casual Wedding Day Assistants in March/April to support the upcoming season. It’s a great way to break into the industry and “get your feet wet” as the saying goes.  Apply here if you are interested in working with us.  Please note that applications may not be acknowledged when we do not have active positions to fill.  Please follow us on Instagram @dreamgroupplanners to stay up to date on current job postings. We also look for volunteers to help out with our annual Engaged Wedding Show and often end up hiring the “shiniest stars” as our Wedding Day Assistants!  Sign up here to get on the Volunteer list and we will be in touch when the time comes.  Due to the irregular patterns and “on the road” nature of our day to day work schedules we do not take on interns.  And due to the overwhelming interest in the field of Wedding Planning, we do not accept phone calls or email inquiries for information about the industry or the Wedding Planning Profession.  However, if you are interested in gaining one on one insight and direction please check out our Founding Planner Tête-à-Tête opportunity below.
      • Are you serious about becoming a wedding planner?  Do you have a ton of questions that you’d love to have answered?  Sit down over a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) with DreamGroup’s Founding Planner Genève McNally and spend up to two hours discussing the Wedding Industry in depth and ask all the burning questions you can think of!  You will walk away from this valueable discussion with insights and suggestions for your best next steps in making a career in wedding planning yours.  This one-on-one session is $300.00 plus GST.  To be considered for this opportunity please send an introduction email to



  • MEDIA: Looking to speak with us about an upcoming article or news story?  Contact DreamGroup Weddings + Events at 604.537.3575.


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