In Bloom Summit
Real Love Ready In Bloom Summit! It’s a thoughtful, life altering, heart opening event that changes people. DreamGroup Founding Planner, Genève McNally, was invited to collaborate with the team to produce an inaugural affair to remember! The Fairmont Waterfront Hotel is home to this annual summit. And you know what they say about that… There’s no place like it!
There really is nothing like the“When hosting an event for the first time there are always so many learnings happening all at once. Establishing your goals, how you want attendees to feel, what you want them to takeaway from the experience and the lasting message you hope to convey, it’s all new and very exciting!” ~ Genève McNally
A Fabulous Self Care Market offered attendees opportunities to learn about new products, spoil themselves with a few indulgent purchases, and even chat with well known experts to get a little “Love Advice”!
Attendees of the In Bloom Summit could even get some FREE LOVE ADVICE from Love Coach Shaun Galanos
Movement Specialist Anne Marie Hogya was on hand all weekend to bring love & light!

The guest speaker line up for In Bloom Summit was just incredible! Attendees got to learn from a powerful and knowledgeable array of accredited Relationship Therapists and Empowerment Experts including Danielle LaPorte, Dr. Alexandra Solomon, Terry Real, Dr. Ish Major, Terri Cole, and Esther Perel.
Gorgeous larger than life paper crepe flowers were provided by the super talented and creative Nataliia of Bloom In BC.
The Real Love Ready Team sharing some laughs during a team photo shoot! From left to right: Maia Anstey, Kristen Patrick, RLR Founder Robin Ducharme, Sheri Ducharme, and Jenny Gobert.

Check out the In Bloom Summit Reel HERE!